You will need
- capacity,
- - 3% solution of hydrochloric acid,
- - A 10% solution of copper sulphate,
- - citric-acid sodium,
- - glycerin,
- sponge
- - spatula,
- - 5% solution of soda ash,
- - brush,
- - "White".
If you periodically flood the neighbors living above, so the ceiling can be formed rusty spots. To eliminate such defects need to remove stains along with paint or plaster and make a new cover. But not everyone will suit this option. In order to clean off the old paint from the ceiling, RUB the stain with a cotton swab dipped in a warm solution of hydrochloric acid 3%.
Rusty spots can be removed with a solution of copper sulfate 10% who need to treat the surface rust on the plaster. Pre-need to wash the ceiling with clean water. You can prepare a paste consisting of two parts water, one part citric acid sodium and a small amount of glycerin.
In order to remove the oil stain on the ceiling, use a solution of soda ash 5%, diluted in warm water. Paint the stain with a brush resulting solution and check whether it appears. If so, will have to resort to greasy clay, which should be applied to stains and spots with a layer of 3-4 mm. After the clay has dried, rinse it with water.
To remove yellow stains from the surface of the ceiling, you will need "White". Take the spatula and remove from the place of contamination is part of the putty or paint. Pour into a small container of the usual "White" and soak in it a sponge. Press it and start to treat the macula, giving the sponge and hold it for a few seconds. Treat thus all of the stain. If the sponge has acquired a yellow color, replace it with a new one and continue to dampen the pollution as long as it does not brighten. Wait until the ceiling is completely dry, if it is still a small spot, you will have to repeat the procedure again.
Take precautions: wear rubber gloves, dust mask, and glasses to the eye is not horrible chemical composition.