There are several ways to remove the traces of pens with Wallpaper. Optimists suggest just to take a wooden frame to hang over the drawings, and rejoice that the family of the artist grows. But the frame emphasizes the first experiments of the young genius.
The first method is good in the nursery, but if the Wallpaper is painted in the living room the most conspicuous place, will have to take drastic measures. There are many ways to ink. They are all based on the use of a particular acid and discoloration of the drawn lines.
Dissolve potassium permanganate in 70% acetic essence, stir. The color of the solution should be dark purple. Apply the solution on the ink line with a cotton swab. Do not RUB, wait a few seconds. Drawing blackness will disappear, in its place will remain divorces. Remove stains with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (buy at the pharmacy).
Take oxalic acid and citric acid 10 g, water 100 ml, mix and brush on several times the picture. He turned pale and disappear.
Hydrochloric acid and table salt stir in 30 ml. of water, apply with a brush on the lines of the drawing.
Some parents offer to reduce the traces of children's paintings on the Wallpaper with modern methods. Dissolve "Domestos" or "Vanish" in a little water and a cotton Bud will remove the picture.
Some parents offer to reduce the traces of children's paintings on the Wallpaper with modern methods. Dissolve "Domestos" or "Vanish" in a little water and a cotton Bud will remove the picture.
For sale is a German Rotring tool, which is used for cleaning the writing instruments to be used with the untreated ink. Sometimes it helps.
All of the above ways to remove ink from Wallpaper have consequences. It can be discolored spots or broken texture of the Wallpaper. You should consider the quality and color of your Wallpaper. It may be easier to glue a piece of Wallpaper or repaint the entire room in a different color if you apply Wallpaper under painting.