You will need
  • a needle, a pin, any thin, straight object of this type.
Make sure that the stuck disk is not used at the moment, i.e. a program or data from that drive are not open. Otherwise, shut down any programs that are on the disk.
Try pressing the drive eject button Media Eject button on the computer keyboard (the button with the symbol of an underlined up arrow wahnam right corner or the inscription F12).
If the disc fails to eject, try pressing the Media Eject key while holding the Fn (for laptops).
If all the above fails, just try to drag the disk icon to the Trash.
If this does not help, restart the computer. For computers Mac, simultaneously press the mouse or trackpad and use Restart from the Apple menu in the upper left corner of the desktop.
For the following attempts to eject the disc, restart the computer pressing four keys: Command+Option+O+F. After the window is open, Welcome to Open Firmware, release the keys and enter the command eject cd and hit Return. It is assumed that after the disk becomes available for retrieval, and the computer screen below the command you typed will appear the message system ok. To continue booting normally, type mac boot and press Return (for computers with Mac operating system.
In the absence of the desired result, look on the front of the drive a small round hole with a diameter of 1.0-1.5 mm. Insert the needle at a right angle and pressure. When you hit the lever the CD-ROM will open and the disc will be available.