First of all, suede like jackets, jackets and shoes from her much more artificial. This is especially true of things from the famous brands. Remember that the product of these materials in our day can not be cheap. Moreover, branded goods, the label is often attached a piece of leather or suede to guarantee its authenticity.
To distinguish the fake from the original, the first thing to touch the thing's hand. Genuine leather and suede instantly warms from human touch, artificial materials are cold. If you spend a pile of hand, he will definitely bend, and the surface seemed to change hue and texture is the main feature. The thickness and softness of the suede depends on the quality of the candle, but she always velvety to the touch. Real suede may not be the fabric inside out - then it is wholly a substitute. Besides natural suede never delaminate, unlike artificial.
Natural materials can not be absolutely smooth and flawless. The presence of small creases, scratches or pores - a sure sign of the naturalness of things. By bending things out of real suede leather - be it shoes or jacket, on the product surface must remain small hall, but after a few seconds the shoes or clothes should take its original appearance. If possible, place a large thing clean water: natural suede it will absorb instantly, with artificial drop will simply roll away, leaving no trace.
Any thing of natural suede may not have exactly the same color throughout its surface. In the production of expensive clothing or footwear used only natural dyes based on vegetable components. Therefore, small differences in shades, for example, on the sleeve and collar nice jacket - a sure sign of high quality products. This thing will last a long time without losing its prestigious appearance.
Popular before the Council to set fire to a piece of leather or suede, to determine its authenticity, is no longer working. Now substitutes is also a great char, and so they can not be distinguished. Besides, everyone knows that real suede strong smell, so the manufacturers treat now artificial special sprays.
Useful advice
Although a good product suede is now often covered with a special mud - and dirt repellent compositions, while wearing them still need to be careful. Suede does not like moisture: caught in the rain be sure to dry off the shoes, stuffed them with paper, and coat hanging on a hanger, but not near the battery or, especially, over the fire.
Contamination must be quickly removed with a special brush for suede or even an ordinary eraser.
Contamination must be quickly removed with a special brush for suede or even an ordinary eraser.