You will need
  • Envelope;
  • Postage stamps;
  • Correspondence to be sent;
  • Handle;
Locate any post office. Bring to him the documents that you want to send.
Pick up the envelope that corresponds to the size of the documents. Minimum letter size: 110 x 220 mm or 114 x 162 mm, maximum size 229 x 324 millimeters.
Ask the postal worker to weigh your letter. The weight of the package must not exceed 100 grams.
Sign the envelope. You must specify the exact address and the name, surname, patronymic of the sender and recipient. In the upper left corner of the envelope, specify from whom comes the letter, then – Your postcode and postal address. In the lower right corner of the envelope indicate the name of the person-the addressee or officials of the recipient's address, including its postcode.
In the upper right corner indicate on the envelope the amount in which you evaluate the letter. In case of loss or damage to the letter you will pay compensation. From the declared value depending the amount of your payment for sending letters. For each full or not full ruble insurance fee will be 0.03 penny.
Complete the inventory. List all the documents that you send a name, date or other characteristics by which it will be possible to distinguish them. You must also specify the total value of these documents (it must match the one you specified on the envelope) and put his signature at the bottom of the list. The inventory is filled out in two copies.
Pass is not sealed letter with the records and documents to the postal employee. After transfer, the postal worker puts a stamp on both copies of the inventory, one copy transferred to you and the second is embedded in the letter and the envelope sealed.
Pay for your shipment letters. After payment take the receipt, it needs to be saved until the moment of delivery of the letter to the addressee. Since then, the letter with the declared value will be considered accepted for shipment.