You will need
- meat;
- water;
- salt;
- bow;
- Bay leaf;
- carrots;
- garlic;
- black pepper;
- 2 egg whites.
For cooking the meat take the pork, beef, poultry. Meat should be on the bone. Jelly of several varieties of meat get tastier. Use in the preparation of pig feet, shanks, shank.
Meat rinse well and add to the pan.
Meat rinse well and add to the pan.
Pour water into the pan so that it completely covered the meat. Cover and place the pot over high heat.
Bring water in saucepan to a boil, using oven gloves or a towel remove the cover. Remove any foam that has risen to the surface of the water and gathered at the edges of the pan. Remove the foam during the entire cooking of jelly.
Reduce heat to simmer. Jelly covariate on low heat. The broth must boil very quietly. With a strong boiling broth becomes cloudy.
Put in a pan of peeled carrots and a whole onion, a few peas black pepper, Bay leaf. Salted jelly should be half an hour before the end of cooking.
Boil the jelly until the meat is cooked. As soon as it is easily separated from the bones, the jelly is ready.
Pull the meat from the pan, separate it from the bones, chop, arrange in the dish. Sprinkle meat with finely chopped garlic. Chop the carrots and, if desired, add to the meat.
The broth for aspic, you need to lighten up, that is clear. To do this, bring it to a boil and pour in the 2 egg whites, whipped with half a glass of cold water. When the flakes of foam, together with the coagulated protein will float to the surface, carefully remove them.
The second method of clarification of the broth more time-consuming. It is to use the so-called "procrastination". 250 grams of meat third grade miss 2 times through a meat grinder. Mix the minced meat with 1 egg white and a Cup of cold broth. Mix well. In a pot cooled to 50 degrees in the broth enter the mixture. Bring all to a boil and simmer cook for 40 minutes. In the process of cooking meat and the protein will curdle and settle to the bottom. Then the broth carefully strain and bring to a boil again.
The clarified broth, pour in dish with the prepared meat. Put them to harden in a cool place. A few hours a mouth-watering dish is ready to eat.
Bon appetit!
Bon appetit!
Useful advice
When cooking jelly, you can use your favorite spices.
As a side dish to the jelly serve hot with boiled potatoes.
For lovers of spicy, serve with mustard, horseradish or wasabi.
As a side dish to the jelly serve hot with boiled potatoes.
For lovers of spicy, serve with mustard, horseradish or wasabi.