To begin you must have created a page dedicated to any person or work of art. In the fields, locate the link "Create event".

A window will open in which you need to specify the name of the meeting. Describe what would happen in the corresponding field. Also set the date and time of the event.

The event will be reflected in the menu of your group in the right column. Click on the meeting name to open the events page. Click "Invite friends". Opens a list of your friends you can invite. But first you may want to call for a meeting of those who work directly in the group. To do this, click on the "invite group members".

A new window will open that will contain the names of the right people. In front of each of them is a link "Send invitation". To mark all, click on the link next to each name. Be aware that some persons block any invitations. Then, you'll probably need to write a personal message to this user and send a link to the event page. Then everything will depend on the willingness or unwillingness of your friends to go to this meeting.

Pay attention that on some sites or forums you can find the script or the link to the program to mark all at the meeting. The fact that the software component of the site is constantly changing, supplemented and modernizarea. Outdated scripts will not have any impact on the updated "Vkontakte". Moreover, there is a danger that the script may present a potential danger to the software of your computer and the downloaded program are likely to contain a virus. Even if it says that the program provided by the administration of the social network, it is likely just a Ruse. The creators of "Vkontakte" follow the privacy policy personal information.