First, you need to make sure that the whiskers on the face are not the cause of the internal diseases of the adrenal or hormonal imbalance. To diagnose the problem, you must contact your endocrinologist and gynecologist. Usually with proper treatment the tendrils disappear by themselves.
If increased vegetation turned out to be just your physiological feature, then do not worry. Modern cosmetology offers many ways to get rid of this scourge.
The simplest way is shaving and plucking. Shaving helps to get rid of the antennae, but has a huge drawback: the hair starts to grow quickly and become much thicker. Plucking - the procedure is painful, but allows for a longer period to get rid of the antennae.
Another way is to use a special depilatory cream (it needs to be for areas of the face). This hair removal is painless and gives a strong effect for 3-5 days, after which the procedure must be repeated. This method is not suitable for people with sensitive skin. It can also cause severe allergic reaction, so before applying the cream on the face need to do a test on the skin of the wrist.
Removal of antennae used cosmetic wax. The advantages of this method are that the procedure must be done about once a week, and the newly growing hairs will gradually become subtler. The downside is the soreness and the possibility of allergies.
If the hairs on the face are few and thin, you can try to bleach their hair, which is used blonde. Regular bleaching makes the hairs less noticeable, and gradually thins their structure. Before you apply paint on the face, you need to do a test on the skin of the hands, to avoid allergies.
Once and forever get rid of antennae will help laser hair removal, which is carried out in beauty salons. According to experts quite a few such sessions to be able to forget about the antennae!