You will need
- Corel Draw arbitrary graphic file.
Install the software on your computer Corel Draw and run it. Create any vector drawing using the program.
Go to the File menu and find the Export item. Define the format of the exported file as a PNG and click Export.
After clicking Export information window will appear. Select color mode (Color Mode) to RGB Color (24 bit) and check the Transparent background (Transparent background).
Click OK. When you open the file in Adobe Photoshop it will be on a transparent background.
The second option is to make a file with the extension. gif with a transparent background. To do this, move the image from vector to raster. This must be done this way: open the file in Corel Draw program. Export the picture already familiar way is File > Export. In the resulting window, choose CPT - Corel PHOTO-PAINT Image, and name the file a name that describes what is shown there. In our case, the "Arrow". Check the box next to Selected only.
Then you will see another window. Select the required image size and tick the Anti-aliasing (this option softens the edges of the image) and Transparent background (the shape is on a transparent background).
Now we need to work with the bitmap. Start the bitmap editor, Corel PHOTO-PAINT. The program CoerlDraw click on Application Launcher, and choose Corel PHOTO-PAINT. In this program, open the file "Arrow" through File > Open. From the top menu select Image > Paper Size. In the window that appears, set the background color. It is better to choose Magenta. Click OK. The background is defined.

Follow the figure with the background. Select in top menu Object > Combine > Combine All Objects With Background. The figure will be in the background, whose color you defined. Make a mask. Look at the top horizontal menu the Magic Wand Mask Tool and configure it. Do the Anti-aliasing is not active and set Tolerance to 0. The Magic Wand Mask Tool creates a mask of the pixels of the images of a similar color. The picture takes on a slightly reddish tone is the mask.
Save the picture in gif format. Click on the top menu File > Export. Select a location in the computer where is stored image, and then select the gif extension. In the appeared dialog box the optimization of colors of the image palette, make the following settings so that the picture quality does not suffer. Select the most flowers. Click OK. The image is saved in gif format with a transparent background.
Bitmap with transparency is technically different from a vector. This file is stored additional "channel" that has information about which pixel is transparent and which isn't (or which color in the palette of the picture should be considered transparent).
Useful advice
Similar manipulations can be performed not only with the Corel Draw files and with drawings made in Adobe Illustrator. Before you export, the file extension must be PNG, otherwise it will not be the desired effect.