If you liked any of the samples on the Internet, and you want to upload it to a social network "In Contact", download the image to your computer, save to disk and open network "In Contact". Then log in to get access to his page.
Menu under your avatar, find the feature "Change picture" and select the service to load the new image. When the screen window appears to download the image, click "Choose photo". Select from the hard disk of the computer the desired image and click Open.
At the end of the copy process the animated images on server "In Contact", set its thumbnail. To do this, move the border of the pointer to the required size and click "Save". The image of your page will change to a new avatar.
Using this method, it should be remembered that the animation on the picture will be static. Social network "In Contact" does not allow to load dynamic images as your avatar. However, you can upload the image to your page, then freely browse, as well as send to other users as greeting cards or gift.To do this, use the menu "Documents", which includes the function of loading files with the file extension gif. Go to the settings panel of your page and check the box next to "Documents". In the left column of the page will have an additional section called "Documents".
Go to "Documents" and click on "Add document" in the upper left corner of the page. When the screen window appears to add the pictures, select animated image and click on Open. Then, determine for a picture of her name and status – the "personal document" (is default) or other document, and then click on "Save".