Look for the positive in everything. The positive aspects can be found in almost any life situation – the main thing not to despond. Ask yourself questions – why have you sent this test is that it can be taken. A good helper in finding the right answer can be a sense of humor. Laugh at trouble, it will vanish without a trace.
Carry the responsibility for their lives. Never blame others of what is happening with you. The opposite – giving a smile and a positive mood, and the people a hundredfold return them to you.
Start the day with something pleasant. Let it be a delicious Breakfast or a good song, and maybe kiss a loved one. A little morning joy can create positive energy for the whole day, even if it is filled with boring cases.
Find a good job. If your business brings you neither moral nor material satisfaction is a signal to search for a new class. The negativity that you experience every day thanks to the unloved work, harms your emotional and physical health.
Move more. Man was created for physical activity. Dancing, Jogging, swimming, fitness – all this promotes the production of endorphins and gives a feeling of happiness. Eat right – lack of certain vitamins and minerals can ruin your health and mood. And, of course, get enough sleep.
Communicate with positive and cheerful people. They will charge you with their energy and will "infect" a good mood. Spend more free time with our families – their love will make you much happier.
Love yourself. No matter how much you have shortcomings and love yourself you will love others. But more importantly – you will be able to love other people.
Learn to relax. From time to time let yourself expensive – Spa treatments, massage, travel, party, etc.
Always remember, life goes on and only you with it!