Overheating car engine is one of the possible indicators of damage to the water pump. Among other reasons, engine overheating is often linked to a malfunction of the water pump defect its the timing belt or damage to the impeller.
If the cursor movement of the temperature indicator are above average, it is necessary to include the "stove" machine at full capacity. Select the location if necessary, rebuild, and stop the car. Turn the engine off and feel the radiator. If it's warm, it's most likely the water pump faulty car. In order to prove this conclusively, it is necessary to touch the timing belt pump. If its temperature is above normal, you can say that a fault is determined.
Other signs of damage to the water pump of the car is the appearance of excessive extraneous noise and smell of coolant from under the hood.
Insufficient coolant circulation also testifies to the failure of the water pump. For rapid diagnosis, it is recommended to run the motor at idle. Hold down your finger, and then release the upper radiator hose. If the water pump is working properly. you will feel the push coolant.
Try to identify by touch the bearing clearance of the pump. To do this, gently rock the shaft holding the fan. Big gap indicates the presence of bearing damage.
To diagnose a faulty water pump you can use plain white paper. Lay under the car leaves and leave them overnight. In the morning, inspect the paper - if it's wet, it indicates a leaking pump. Green spots on the leaves they say about the coolant leak.
It should be remembered that the water pump is recommended to be changed at the passage of about 90 000 km.