Why do we need earthworms?

The earthworm, while in a flower pot, can improve the composition of the earth. 24 hours, the worm modifies about 6 grams of soil. That's how much it weighs. The worm can increase the content of nutrients such as magnesium, phosphoric acid, calcium. This improves plant growth, flowering and fruiting. Worms do in the ground moves, which in turn enriches the earth with oxygen. It was noticed that in pots with earthworms there are no plant pests.

A worm in a flower pot

2 kilos of soil in the pot helpful to have a warm worm. On the top layer of the earth it is useful to put the dry leaves. Worms will take these papers into the earth and thereby fertilized. In the destruction of harmful insects by chemicals is likely to destroy and assistant florist, earthworm. Therefore, when spraying is necessary to cover the ground some material.

How to invite worms to your garden?

Once the worms only use, then you need to create for them favorable conditions in your garden. You can do this:

1. Leaving the land without human intrusion. It is not necessary to pull weeds or to dig the soil. The worms will be able to accommodate the roots of the weeds.

2. Using the mulch for their gardens. For this fit, grass, sawdust, hay. Mulch protects the earth from overheating, erosion and retains moisture. All this creates a pleasant environment for the underground gardeners. The lower humus layer of mulch, nutritious food for worms.

3. Homeland is not the land very deeply. Deep digging destroys worms created moves and stabs the worms themselves.

4. Abandoning chemical fertilizers. They kill the worms ourselves and plants. Worms are able to create organic fertilizer, vermicompost. Due to this the fertility of the soil increases, fertilizer will not be needed.

5. Without making the land manure. It has a large amount of ammonia. Careful with the manure you need to show more because of the presence of helminth eggs. It is certainly unnecessary.

Inviting earthworms in the garden can be a huge help in the cultivation of the earth.