Facial mesotherapy is a rejuvenating treatment which represents the microinjection of drugs. Cosmetologist using a fine needle injects the medicine into the skin to a depth of 6 millimeters. The drug can be administered not only in the skin, but in other problem areas. After 10-12 treatments facial mesotherapy gives positive results. Fade small wrinkles, stimulates metabolic processes, the skin takes on a fresh look. The effect of the procedure lasts a long time.

Contouring is also a therapeutic injection. Most often it is performed to eliminate various skin defects, glabellar folds, to increase lip volume, improve the shape of the face. Using a small syringe made of shallow injections with Botox. Only one injection per year to maintain the beauty of the face. This procedure is painless and lasts only 45 minutes.

Skin biorevitalization is an introduction to the layers of the skin medicines based on hyaluronic acid. The skin becomes more hydrated, soft, velvety, fine wrinkles disappear. This methodology aims to combat the first signs of aging. Today skin biorevitalization is very popular and in demand in good beauty. To achieve a good result it takes about five sessions. The required number of sessions for each person individually.

Ozone therapy is applied in the presence of various defects of skin, including fine lines, stretch marks, acne, scars, local obesity, and more. The procedure consists in the introduction into the skin of oxygen-ozone mixture by means of thin needles. Is special massage with olive oil. The procedure is painless. After about 10 sessions visible good result. The skin becomes more elastic, small wrinkles disappear, restores the oval face, the scars become less noticeable.