1. Inactivity. Remember the joke about the Jew who prayed to God and asked to win the lottery a million, and when the angels asked God: "what are You sorry for? Let him win"! God replied that he would be happy to contribute to the win, but a Jew should at least buy a lottery ticket. In order to get what you want, move to the desired one, do every day something that brings you closer to your goal.

2. The lack of strategic thinking. Often our short-term desires, prevent us to achieve success in the future, for example, if you count the amount of money spent on bad habits all the time, then this amount may be enough for the car. Prioritize and don't let the optional temptations to destroy the really important goals.

3. The abdication of responsibility. We can often hear from some people that they have a life all not so – bad husband, stupid kids, stupid job... the Expectation that make us happy, maybe someone else, leads to the fact that it is them we blame for their failures. But few ask: why I chose(a) a husband (wife) why I was unable to teach children the brains, why can't I change jobs? Maybe because I am more useless, and to change I do not want? Don't blame others for their problems. Ask yourself: "what can I do to fix the situation?" Rely only on themselves.

4. Whining. We spend the strength to find support to justify our inaction, instead spend the same energy on search of variants of productive action.

5. The lack of self-love. Think if you really loved, that would always depend on bad habits, lack of knowledge, other people, finances, etc.? Love yourself, take care of yourself give yourself the life that you truly deserve!

6. Self-doubt, shyness. Shy people are afraid of condemnation of others, and therefore considers them bad people – able to the roast (or what he is more afraid of) – and this is misleading. Themselves such people think is good, but I prefer to do nothing, to suddenly fail to recognize themselves as bad. They don't want to be wrong, although not wrong only God. Fear of mistakes hinder and the person becomes unsure of himself and his actions. If you're not sure about something – brush up, practice, ask, but do not abandon your goals and believe in yourself.

7. Envy. We are only jealous of the fact that, in our opinion we deserve. We do not envy the fish who couldn't breathe underwater, but jealous neighbor who bought a new car. Envy – so I feel that deserves it. Just have to find a way to achieve a desired result, for example, ask your neighbor how he did it.

The pursuit of happyness remember the warning Maslow: "If you are going to are going to become less important than your ability, you will be deeply unhappy person."