As you know, each child grows up, gaining different qualities, both good and bad. It is those people who surround children, significantly affect the formation of these qualities.
Consider the most important qualities that parents must instill in their children.
Sincerity is the avoidance of deception. To be honest with others is very important. And most importantly - be sincere with yourself. For this you need to cope with uncertainty.
Kindness is a manifestation of sincere feelings. For this quality it is necessary to think not only about themselves but about other people. It is important not to be selfish. Good must come, and not for personal gain.
Responsibility – the ability to take responsibility for their words and deeds. Such a person you can always count on even in the most difficult situation.
Devotion – dedication to his ideals throughout life's journey. It's wonderful to have someone who will stay with you under different circumstances.
Civility – respect for others. With such people want to communicate, and especially to be around.
The ability to listen and support – what every man needs. Such people will never be alone. You can trust them knowing about it then no one will know. In our time, not all possess this quality, though perhaps this is the most important that can be in humans.
Everyone has positive and negative qualities. It is important to teach the child only positive qualities. Learn to fix poor quality for good. And then, of course, alone it will never be, and beside him in life will be the people who will be happy because he is.
What qualities parents should instill in their children?
There's a cliché that all children are the flowers of life. However, many parents soon after the birth of your baby you begin to understand that these flowers need to properly care. How to do it? Let's try to answer this question.

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