It is easy to understand that you need to change your eating habits than 14 days, and for a long time, it is better for all. That is, it is better to choose a short-term diet and power supply system. Such is the system "-60". She has no limitations. It is permitted even for pregnant and lactating women.

You can eat almost everything. To give up entirely on your favorite dishes don't have to. Definitely need to have a good lunch but don't overeat. It is not necessary to refuse salt. Of alcohol allowed, dry wine, it speeds up metabolism.

From the sweet also do not need to give up. Is that a bit to reduce the amount. Banned only milk chocolate. Sometimes you can eat pasta and potatoes, just not for dinner.

The basic rules of the system

1. We must start now. Not Monday, not tomorrow, not next month – now.

2. Consistently to change harmful eating habits for the useful. A sudden change in diet – stress to the body. To abandon large portions.

3. Before lunch, all you can eat. After 12 you need to fulfill some restrictions.

4. Breakfast is a must. At least a little. It starts the metabolism after a night's sleep.

5. Fish and meat is better to choose buckwheat, brown rice or vegetables.

6. Meat and potatoes at different meals.

7. Dinner at 18 hours.

8. You can drink as much as you want. Don't force yourself.

9. Not to starve. Not to do any fasting days.

10. At least a little exercise is necessary. The body and skin you need to keep in shape.

You should stick to the simple mode:

  • Breakfast from 8 to 9 am.
  • Lunch from 12 to 14. It is necessary to refuse from fried, potatoes and pasta are not combined with meat or fish. Desserts include a savory fruit.
  • Dinner at 18 hours. Can meat or vegetables with cereals, milk in combination with vegetables. The fruit is better to refuse. If the rebound is very late, three hours before bedtime, you can drink kefir.

Restrictions on the size of the portions there. Here are all individually. You should not overeat.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast – rice porridge with sugar, a slice of cheese and tea.
  • Lunch – sweet peppers stuffed with chicken, beet salad, a piece of black bread.
  • Dinner – rice-vegetable casserole.

To achieve the desired result, you do not need to give up your favorite foods and completely change your diet. It is enough to differentiate the time all products.