1. For oily hair. The combination of blue clay and eucalyptus oil copes with excessive oiliness of hair, cleanses the scalp from the sebaceous congestion and dead skin tissues. Preparing the mixture is very simple. A portion of clay is added a few drops of oil and diluted with water to the consistency of the mask. Before applying the tools it is better to moisten the head. Apply the mixture with your fingers, gently rubbing into the roots. The length of the hair tool to apply is not necessary. Then the head cover with shower cap for 20-40 minutes). Rinse with clean water or with a mild shampoo.

2. For problematic skin. Black clay reduces inflammation and deeply cleanses the pores. To strengthen its properties by using herbs. For making masks, you can use infusions and decoctions of herbs instead of pure water. With black clay combines perfectly a decoction of oak bark, infusion of chamomile and burdock.

3. For the body. Due to the high content of mineral substances, clay is quite a valuable cosmetic product. It restores, nourishes and tones the skin. For body care it is recommended to apply pink and white clay. It can be used separately or in a mixture with other components. For example, on its basis it is possible to prepare soft composition of the peeling. To do this, in sour cream or less milk fat basis is necessary to add a small amount of clay (the mixture should not be too thick). To use as a normal part of the peeling.