Use your Internet search engine to find a person by name and the names of Classmates without registration. It is best to use one of the two largest – Google or Yandex. To get started just open the website and enter the name and surname of the desired person in the search string. If they are too common, add a space the name of the city in which man lives for the moment. Make sure you add a space the word "classmates" or "" and then press search.
Wait for the results and study them. You will see links to people with the corresponding names and surnames. Each of them will indicate additional information, such as place of residence and age. Follow the most appropriate links that lead to the Classmates website ( Unfortunately, this is not always the intuition that the person that is needed. However, this does not mean that he is not registered in this social network, and the search can continue.
Click on "Image" located near the search bar to find the person by name and the names of Classmates without registration photograph. In the results for the specified personal data to view all available photos. If you see a photo of the person you want, select it and click "Show on website". It may redirect you directly into your user profile in the social network.
Try to find a person by name using the search results from other social networks. For example, the displayed search links can lead to the user's profile on Vkontakte, My World, Facebook, Twitter and other similar sites. This may indicate that the person was not on Friendster, and other social networks, but it is still allowed to see his personal details and photographs. Some sites even keep a database of accounts of people in social networks that will further facilitate the sorting of the search results.
Sometimes the check Classmates becomes the only possible way to find the right person here. An internal search of the website available only to registered users and allows you to find friends and relatives for additional parameters not available initially. In addition, you can look here friends, relatives and all those who may be associated with the desired person and help expose him.