The roots of garlic can be affected by bacterial rot, fungal diseases. The garlic are not yellowing for this reason, to disinfect seeds before planting should be within a 20 minute soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or preparations of fitosporin, Maxim. In addition, the need to observe crop rotation. Source diseases of winter garlic can be fresh manure, used for fertilizing.

Downy mildew affects the leaves of garlic, they appear as pale spots, then gray patina. In the end garlic leaves turn yellow and die, and the infection enters in the head and safely overwinter. To defeat this disease is possible if the garlic before boarding and before putting it in storage heat well.

Garlic likes a neutral soil, so before planting you should make ash or spend liming to reduce acidity. Lack of nitrogen can be replenished with urea or nitrogenous fertilizers.

Yellow leaves of garlic can be the consequence of a delay in landing. The garlic are not yellowing, winter varieties should be planted in the period from mid-September to early October. In this case, the shoots will not have time to hatch before the first frost, and the planting material will spend the winter in the ground.

If spring frost brought winter garlic, it needs to be treated with a solution of EPIN, Zircon, NV-101. This will prevent the yellowing on the leaf tips.

Despite the pungent smell, the onion fly with pleasure eats garlic. Because of this pest plant turns yellow and dies. The garlic are not yellowing, you need to use folk remedy: sprinkle the garden bed with a mixture of tobacco dust and wood ashes. Great help in the struggle against the onion fly will have a carrot, if planted in the neighborhood. The Duo of scents will deter the pest.

If the area is well, to overcome pests will help ice water. You need to water her garden or put ice around the plant.

Timely feeding with sulphate of potash will help the leaves to retain a healthy appearance. For this you need to loosen the bed, lay a complete fertilizer or urea in shallow grooves. Then fill the granules of earth, well watered and mulch with compost or dry earth, so that no moisture remained in the soil as long as possible.

The garlic was not yellowed, you can spray it with a weak solution of ammonia (5 tablespoons per bucket of water).

Improper watering may also be the reason why garlic turns yellow. If the plant does not get enough water it begins to wither and turn yellow. The garlic was not yellowed, it is necessary to adjust the frequency of watering. It will be useful to loosen the soil around each head, then the roots receive the necessary amount of air and moisture. However, in the early spring to water the garlic should not be, because in the land of a lot of moisture due to snow melt.