So, as a fertilizer wood ash contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium. After the wood burning unwanted plants gases such as nitrogen or sulfur, "evaporated". Remaining in the form of sediment substances very useful for plants. So if you want to saturate the soil of garden or flower pot is useful, and most importantly, plant-available nutrients, you can use ash. You can't use it in too large quantities. The fact that ash is good for acidic soil, if the soil is alkaline and you are using ash, your plants will cease to receive any nutrients from the ground, they will simply cease to bear fruit and grow.

Good wood ash as a fertilizer or not to tell the wood from which was formed. For fertilizer it is better to use the ash of deciduous trees, it has more nutrients than softwood. For pest control ash can be used in the following way. Slugs and snails are wet enough, and the ash tends to absorb moisture. Accordingly, if in the soil with the ash will infest these insects, they will be dehydrated fertilizer. It is worth remembering that ash caught in the rain, will not be able to absorb moisture. But overuse is not recommended, that is to be updated after each heavy rain is not necessary.

Wood ash as a fertilizer is good because it has no chlorine, which is unacceptable for grapes, raspberries and other plants. But experts do not recommend ash for seedlings. It is not necessary to fertilize the soil at least to the appearance of a pair of three of their leaves in plants. This is due to the fact that the shoots are still too small and fragile, and at such an early stage no need so much to enrich the soil with vitamins. But radishes, turnips and radishes do not like ash. This type of fertilizer these plants will not give you fruits, because they will start to grow "arrow". Of course, the fruit they form, but it is highly undesirable.

As a fertilizer wood ash must be wood. This means that any ash fertilizer. For example, the burnt debris is not going to bring anything useful to plants. Ash you can get by, by burning the stalks of sunflowers, grape vines, straw of cereals. When working with ash don't forget to wear gloves and goggles, mask or respirator. To fill the ash should be directly into the hole, but mixed with earth, to the roots planted plants didn't get burned, and plants have taken root in their new location.

You must know that you can increase the effectiveness of wood ash, using it mixed with humus, compost or peat.

Conversely, fertilizer will remain without nitrogen, if unknowingly mix the ashes with

  • nitrogen fertilizer;
  • bird droppings;
  • manure;
  • superphosphate.

If you use wood ash as fertilizers are often gardeners are wondering about how to measure its weight.

  • 1 tablespoon contains 6g of wood ash;
  • glass 100g;
  • banks, respectively, in 0.5 l and 1l will be 250g and 500g ash.

To fertilize 10 acres of land will need about 10kg of wood ash.

Dry wood ash retains its useful properties for a few years. Incorrect storage will result in the loss of trace elements, particularly potassium.