If the child spent in the same cottage for many years, probably got himself friends among the neighborhood children. That's just in the regular season they all seem to be too old for the usual games and even embarrassed each other. Even more difficult teenager, if my parents first took him to a holiday village. Anyone friends and build relationships is not as easy as kindergartners, who played in the sandbox for half an hour and already are. So parents, it is important to help the young generation. Just start knocking on doors, meet them yourself and find out if they have leisure for their children. Assemble on his land a large company and spend a few games for fun.


All players stand in a circle, one speaks its name. Standing next person repeats it and submitted myself. And so, while a long chain of names closes on the first party. To complicate the plot can be, if everyone would add to the name of any character. For example, bold Bob, a good Marina, funny Alex.

“The veil”

To check the first game can be fun. All the guys are divided into two teams. Two of the leading pull in between blankets or sheets. From each team to the veil out of one person and leading to the three lower barrier. Each player needs to remember the name of standing in front of a man, and call him. Who had first brought his team a point. Then the veil lifted, and to him go the following players.

Bereznikovskaya adolescents remains to teach the easiest games of his childhood – the hide and seek, dodgeball, cops and robbers, etc. Or offer to arrange a concert for other gardeners. It can be parodies of popular singers, the productions are popular kvnovsky jokes or a play, a play which the students compose yourself, if you tell them the story. For example, “the Wolf and the seven little kids 30 years later and the remake of “Pinocchio.” For the scene, highlight a porch or help to arrange curtain on a clean meadow, props collect in attics and old wardrobe. Makeup can be applied with gouache (it's easily washed off). Support entrepreneurial flair – allow children to draw posters and sell tickets for a symbolic price. Revenue they can then buy yourself a treat.

If the neighborhood children of suitable age not, we welcome out of town classmates daughter or son and their friends in sports clubs or music school. Look for options of the company at the weekend – colleagues with children, good neighbors, etc. lesson for the pair of three youths easy to find. Buy them badminton rackets: easy birdies, even a fortified piece of clay, will not cause damage to your garden beds and flower beds. More costly investment in leisure is purchasing the trampoline. This projectile will gladly spend time, even older teenagers. Finally, organize a small streetball court: reinforce the wall of the garage basketball Hoop. Students will be attracted to the opportunity to throw the ball around outside the house, "like a movie", because most of the young heroes of the American tapes spends his leisure time that way.

And do not forget to spend time with a grown child. Involve him into her adult company, for example, buying interesting Board games for evening entertainment.