What to cook for Breakfast useful

Healthy Breakfast – that involves the proper approach to the morning menu. To useful products, of course, include fresh vegetables and fruits, yoghurts, cereals, cheese, eggs, cereal. A wonderful early Breakfast of freshly squeezed juice. The yogurt contains Lactobacillus, which helps strengthen the immune system. Cheese contains easily digestible protein and calcium, and therefore it is also necessary to include in the morning routine.

A great option is to cook a Breakfast cereal. The most useful of cereal will probably be buckwheat and oatmeal. No wonder oatmeal is part of the classic English Breakfast. After her hunger reminds himself only closer to the dinner. Buckwheat, except in Russia, nowhere else is popular. And in vain, because this grain is not only rich in protein but also micronutrients needed by the body: iron, iodine, zinc. However, there is one caveat of cooking in which the beneficial properties of buckwheat are preserved practically in full: this cereal can not be subjected to heat treatment. The ideal option is to fill it in the evening with milk or yogurt. And it is quite elegant dish for Breakfast – millet porridge with milk and pumpkin.

Often for Breakfast, make an omelet or scrambled eggs. If use of the first meals can not be questioned, and eggs this category includes a pretty difficult, as all fried. But you can cook eggs in the oven. To do this in a greased mold, put the halves of cherry tomatoes, sprinkle lightly with salt, pour the eggs. The quantity as tomato and eggs depends on the size of the molds. Topped with grated cheese and eggs baked in the oven for about 15 minutes.

What to cook for Breakfast with cottage cheese

If you have time, you can prepare cheese casserole or cheesecakes. An easier way is to whip the cottage cheese with fruit in a blender and spread on toast. Savoury version of the sandwich when the cheese is whipped with pieces of fresh vegetables either cucumber or tomato, or pepper. The greens in this case more than appropriate.

What to cook for Breakfast quickly

The leader of Breakfast cereals in Russia – a simple piece of bread with various additives, referred to as a sandwich. It leaves far behind and dry Breakfast cereals, and fruit. The popularity of sandwich experts explain the fact that its components can be any products that has been in the refrigerator, and even sweet spreads. And even those who are always in a hurry, the toast you can eat on the go.