• Grapes can be kept fresh for up to two months, if the brush to put in a small drawer in a single layer and keep in a dry and cool place.
  • Lemons remain fresh for 1-2 months, if kept in cold water. The water should be changed weekly. You can wrap the lemons provoschen paper and lay in the sand, which must cover them with a layer thickness of 3-4 fingers. The sand is pre-disinfected by baking in the oven. Lemons are placed after the sand is completely cooled. About 1-2 months lemons can be stored provoschen wrapped in paper and stacked in a basket, which is put in a cool and ventilated area.
  • Another way to store lemons (3-4 months) is as follows. Place the lemons in a dry place so that they do not touch and keep them in the continuation 5-6 days to dry skin. After that, the lemons are stacked in jars (soft top in order to use them in the first place). Banks close glass lid and put in a cold place. They are well preserved and buried in the flour.
  • Lemons with an old cork saved longer if they put in table salt.
  • To cut the lemon survived longer, spread the cut beaten egg whites, let it dry and put the lemon in a cool place.
  • Strawberries can be stored for only 3-4 days. Out entire, well-ripened berries, which are Packed in small baskets, covered with grape leaves. Baskets are hung in a cool ventilated place.
  • Raspberry stored the same way.