What can you make out of almond milk and its residue?

Almond milk is very rich in protein, vitamin E, fiber, and minerals including magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. It helps to reduce cholesterol, prevent heart disease, can be used by people sitting on a diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Prepare almond milk anything. Pies with different fillings, drinks, pancakes, desserts, and yoghurts, cereals, shakes and more. . it turns out healthy and delicious. That is enough to get the recipe, which has cow's milk, replace it with almond at a ratio of 1:1 and start cooking. Your Pets will be very happy!

The remains of the almond milk you can use for making Buntings, cupcakes, ice cream, sauces, puddings, soups. Mixing them with berries, you get a delicious mousse or jam, frozen or fresh fruit - excellent cocktails. In addition, the remains of almond milk will be useful for creation of various bakery products including bread, cakes, toast, sandwiches, etc.

Blancmange from the remnants of almond milk with berry coulis sauce

Take: ¼ liter of almond milk, 2 tbsp sugar, vanilla bean, powdered sugar, a teaspoon of agar-agar, 200 g of raspberries.

Pour into a saucepan milk, add to it cut in half and cleaned grains from the vanilla pod, bring to the boil. Turn off the pot. Put agar-agar. Mix well. Pour the mixture in forms and put in the refrigerator. Get cooking Cooley. Raspberries RUB through a sieve and sweeten with icing sugar. Cool. Ready mix berry sauce blancmange. Dessert will non-greasy, very fragrant and moderately sweet.

Berry-banana yogurt

You will need: 3 bananas 150g blueberries (or blueberries, or blackberries), a spoon of honey and half Cup almond milk.

To make yogurt from almond milk, simply mix all the ingredients with a blender. If you pre-freeze the bananas and berries, the result is an icy shake.

The cake from the almond milk and eggs

Take a Cup of flour and sugar, a pack of butter, the juice and zest of one lemon, baking powder (1 tsp), 4 eggs and almond cake remaining after milk. Beat the sugar with butter, add alternately eggs and remaining ingredients, knead thick dough (as for Apple Charlotte). Bake in the oven for 40 minutes.