A few decades ago, when women after cesarean section 2 weeks were in intensive care, and children brought them only for feeding, many are really missing the breast milk. Today the child often applied to the chest directly in the irradiators and the end of the first day after cesarean section a woman is already in the General ward next to the child. Nipple stimulation and sucking stimulate the production of prolactin - the hormone responsible for adequate lactation.
Colostrum and Mature milk can indeed come for a couple of days later. There is no harm, of adequate supplementation, if a child is really hungry, do not give up. The child to preserve power, it will not lose weight. Often the milk is delayed in women who received no parenteral nutrition during the first day after surgery, if the woman was administered intravenous nutrient solutions, and the operation took place without complications, the milk will come in time. When a large blood loss, breast milk is also delayed. If mom feels bad, you first need to restore its state, and then to establish breastfeeding. Hungry, tired and feeling bad a woman can't breastfeed. In that case, if the child has to be in the children's Department, you need to use a breast pump: the staff will be able to feed him expressed milk, and mom to stimulate lactation.
After transfer to a General ward most hold the child on hands, apply it to the chest, especially at night. Prolactin is produced more actively during the night hours, reaching peak values 2 to 4 hours a night. Try to rest more, sleep when the baby is sleeping, and not talk on the phone with relatives. The use of disposable diapers already in the hospital allows you to minimize the burden on child care as a result of better and longer he sleeps, the mother does not need every quarter of an hour to change diapers. If you feel unwell, don't hesitate for a few hours to take their child to the nursery. Feed him before that and lie down to rest.
Teas, stimulating lactation, the wearing of special underwear for breastfeeding women, often smaller meals improve the flow of milk. Fatty nuts, condensed milk, large amounts of butter and other traditional methods impair the digestibility of milk, it becomes too oily, the child may experience bloating. There are special formula for nursing mothers. It is a modern health food, high in protein. It allows mom to get quality food that also affects lactation.
On arrival home from the hospital should continue to drink tea, stimulating lactation, often relax the part of home Affairs to leave for later, and bring the family. If possible, you can use the services of a daily assistant. Scientists have proved that co-sleeping improves lactation. If you decide to use this Board to practice co-sleeping by day, place your baby on the chest or the stomach and swaddle him so he can move away from you. The choice of comfortable postures for feeding, will allow mom to relax in while the baby eats. The centres of breast-feeding, working at the clinics, help women to properly establish lactation. Free assistance under the MLA, the employees have a medical degree and have passed the required qualifying courses.