Characteristic of the breed

Homeland the rooster is South-East Asia. This fish is found in stagnant water, often turbid and oxygen-poor. This explains the simplicity of aquarium Cockerel and his willingness to live even in small, heavily shaded aquariums without aeration, filter and frequent water changes. Probably because of the living conditions of the respiratory organ of the fish evolved in the labyrinth, that is, the cock can't breathe only through gills, but also atmospheric air.

There are many subspecies of cock, because to talk about a particular size of fish is difficult. On average, it grows to the size of 6-8 cm, However, there are varieties that reach 10 cm in length. Colouring can also be different, almost all colors and even multicolored. Females are not as beautiful and bright as males, and do not possess these luxurious fins. On average, fish live for 3-4 years. But this indicator is directly linked to the conditions of detention suffered by disease and care.

Care cock and feeding

Cock very unpretentious. The quality of the water in the aquarium can be almost anything. It is desirable only to maintain its temperature between 24-28oC. But a sharp temperature drop to -18 ºc they also bring with ease. The best indicators of water: hardness in the range from 4 to 15 and the pH is from 6.0 to 7.5. Necessary living space is limited to 4 liters of water.

In terms of feeding, cock also undemanding. It is best to feed them live food: finely chopped Tubifex, bloodworms, and zooplankton. To diversify the diet of the chicken, you can feed it ordinary earthworms. But from lamellar or fine-dry and frozen food, he also not refuse.

Contain cock will need either one or with a peace-loving species. Fish, like snooty barbs, it is better to exclude - they will leave it without fins. The second cock is also in no event it is impossible to plant. This breed is characterized by highly aggressive behavior against individuals of their own species. Healthy and active male is quite able to walk from exhaustion, fighting with his own reflection in the mirror. In Thailand this particular breed is an individual business aquarium fighting cockerels. However, females, the so-called "chickens" is also better to plant males only to spawn.

Breeding aquarium Cockerel

The procedure of reproduction begins with "fun" fish. The aquarium with the female and male are put together, in the zone of visibility to the fish gradually get used to each other. Simultaneously, the water temperature in aquariums is increased by 1-3 degrees and in a large volume is replaced. Itself the spawning aquarium should hold at least 7 litres and with plenty of hiding places for females. Add some small floating plants like Richie that with their help, the Cockerel could build a nest.

In the process of spawning, the male picks up the eggs by mouth and puts them in a nest consisting of plants and air bubbles. After the procedure, "chicken" can be isolate - cock will take care of the offspring. Initially the larvae feed by its own yolk bubble. Later they feed "living dust." Once the larvae develop into fry, they too must be removed from the aquarium with cock.