You will need
- Computer with linux operating system.
All account users in linux are saved in text file /etc/passwd. Each line of the file contains information about one of your accounts. It contains 7 fields, separated by colons:1. Логин2. The unused field in which the old systems stored the password hash.3. The user ID (uid).4. The primary group ID for the account (gid).5. Personal information about the user such as real name and contact numbers.6. The location of the home directory.7. Command shell.
By default, the /etc/passwd file is readable to any user. You can view the records in it using a text editor with a command line utilities or the graphical interface.
To view users of linux directly from this file, just print its contents to the console with the command:cat /etc/passwdВы will see a list of all usersregistered in the system.
Account users different types 1. Root, uid=0.2. System account.3, Ordinary users. For systems based on Red Hat, they have a uid starting from 500 and more, and in systems based on Debian with 1000.
In the file /etc/passwd account is not sorted by type, so if you want to list only the ordinary users of linux, use the filters. For example, a command such as grep to obtain a list of only the usual users of debian systems, filtering by uid:cat /etc/passwd | grep -e "^[^:]*:[^:]*:[0-9]{4,}"Or by adding the pipe the cut command to get only their usernames and home directories:cat /etc/passwd | grep -e "^[^:]*:[^:]*:[0-9]{4,}" | cut-d: -f1,6
In addition to the file and console utilities you can obtain a list of usersusing a graphics program. For example, KDE contains a configuration module "Managing users and groups".
At the top of the module window displays the list of accounts. Clicking on any of them, you will get its description in the lower part of the window. The module by default displays only the regular user and root, but selecting the corresponding check box under the list, you will see and system users.