Give the child a full and rich vacation for 1-1,5 months after the 4th grade. It can be one communication, active games. Do not give the student any assignments for the study. If he loves to read, it will do it itself without coercion. Otherwise, the traditional list of literature for summer reading summer is for children a real punishment. If the habit of doing on vacation is not formed in advance, now it is better to give the child a good rest, then he seriously started training in high school.
Do not plan long trips and too active leisure in the last week of August, otherwise the teenager will be difficult to adapt to a new quite intensive. If you have to learn from the first shift, gently move close to this routine. Start to get up and go to bed 15 minutes earlier, gradually increasing this time.
Encourage your child to get organized. Unlike elementary school, in 5th grade he gets a much bigger responsibility. This year an increasing number of courses, teachers and classrooms, so a lot depends on how the teenager is able to organize their movement. Control over his every move on the part of teachers becomes much weaker and therefore the organization, the order of things and following certain rules is simply necessary.
Pay attention to the psychological preparation. For many students the transition to grade 5 accompanied by a serious crisis, ironically, it is the fault of the parents. It is not necessary to escalate the situation, to frighten the child's increasing workload and adjust to that. he is going to be hard. Of course, adults can be the reason for this behaviour, if the student is not a very responsible attitude to the lessons or not fully mastered the primary school curriculum. Process the advanced program is a natural phenomenon for every year of study, and transition to high school is unlikely to be accompanied by special difficulties.
Prepare to learn new subjects that are introduced in 5th grade. For example, physics or chemistry may seem the child is too boring. Start together to read popular scientific books on this subject, which a lot of interesting and even shocking facts. Purchase Board games or special sets related to conducting experiments. If possible, visit the Museum, where familiarity with such subjects is conducted in an interactive mode (moving exhibits, optical illusions, etc.). Your goal is to interest the student, to arouse his interest in a deeper exploration of these subjects.