Table for the bride and groom always in the center, the decoration should be elegant, appropriate and comfortable. The decoration of the table is divided into the foreground of the table, "the heel" - that is at the table in the background and accessories. Classic table decoration is the white tablecloth. She always looks elegant and innocent. The tablecloth can be issued bows, balloons, all sorts of labels, boutonnieres, and even flowers. The main thing to remember about the General wedding style, color accents and relevance of such ornaments. "Backdrop" is written in the same style as the table-cloth. It can be done in the form of an arch or canopy. The main task of the background is the integrity of the picture. Accessories on the table are also very important. Glasses, bottles Bridal, loaf candles, flowers, napkins and more.

Styles, signs, and customs also play a role when choosing jewelry for the table. Gentle and elegant it will look in the table of composition of white lilies, can be other flowers. The white Lily symbolizes purity, prosperity and well-being. If you decorate the foreground of the table such colors, it's worth thinking about, so they don't wilt. There are special oases of the bulb. This design will suit gold, pink or blue ribbon. It is good to put on the table, candles in candlesticks, a symbol of hearth and warmth in the relationship.

You can decorate the table with balloons. This is the budget option, but it no worse than others. Balloons are loved by both adults and children. Their shape and color, can be varied. It is possible to do the bouquets, mysterious songs, hearts and inscriptions. The only thing is to remember – they tend to burst and deflate. Decorate balls I want the table in anticipation of the holiday, and should be reserved for spare, just in case some of them burst. With balloons in tandem looks good organza, it is as airy and light. The main thing is not to use with balls of a material that could be damaged or punctured

Romantic and elegant, looks in the design table garlands. It is desirable to choose small bulbs in one colour. They can cover the fabric so it would seem like the table is floating. To complement this decoration can be artificial flowers and bows. Is to make sure that the whole composition was included in the network in such a way so as not to disturb neither the guests nor the bride and groom.

Any decoration needed for capturing the event in memory and in pictures. Worth remembering about the relevance, appropriateness, overall style and aesthetics. In this case, the table will be decorated with the newlyweds unforgettable.