You will need
  • - Mushrooms;
  • - Illustrated directory of mushroom picker;
  • - The knife.
The most dangerous of all poisonous mushrooms, growing on the territory of Russia, is considered to be pale toadstool. It is often confused with honey fungus, despite the difference in the color of mushrooms. Toadstool painted in pale colors, and the tint is a warm yellow-brown color. Carefully remove the mushroom from the ground, pay attention to the base of his legs. If the stem grows from a kind of Cup, throw away the mushroom, it can not be eaten.
False mushrooms are different from the real olive or reddish tinge. However, the poison doubles fungi data only when insufficient heat treatment. In this case about mushrooms will cause serious gastric disorder.
Gall fungus is extremely similar to boletus. It slaboyadovitym fungus, which is not causes severe food poisoning. However, to use it in cooking is not recommended due to the incredibly bitter taste. To distinguish it from the white fungus can be pinkish-brown color of the underside of the cap. In addition, the cut legs of the gall of the fungus is slowly turning blue.
Poisonous mushrooms are most often found among the plate. For example, edible mushrooms, chanterelles have doubles, which are characterized by intense orange color of the cap and dark brown base legs. Also double has a characteristic thickening near the cap and has a slimmer leg.
Some pickers are advised to use traditional methods to determine what mushrooms are inedible. Supposedly, if you cook a poisonous mushroom, the water in the pot will turn blue. Do not use such methods. Blue color by the presence of hydrocyanic acid. However, many poisonous mushrooms are composed of this substance. It is also a sign that says that stir the mushrooms during cooking should be only a silver spoon, as the presence of poisonous mushroom will cause darkening of silver.
The main differences between edible mushrooms from poisonous you can remember, using the illustrated directory of mushroom picker. If you can not acquainted with the specialized literature, collect in the forest only tubular mushrooms. Among them are rarely poisonous, and the more deadly instances.