The value of beef and pork tongue

Beef tongue pork differs from the large size – it has more interesting and delicate taste, and contains in its composition a variety of vitamins and minerals. That's why the cost of this product much higher, in addition, it is used for cooking various dishes in the restaurants of luxury.

Beef tongue, which is a continuous muscle, contains 16% protein, 12% fat and 2% carbohydrates. As for vitamins, it contains thiamine, folic acid, Riboflavin, vitamins A, E and PP. Of trace elements in this product have a large amount of iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, sodium, copper and chromium. But especially it is rich with zinc and 40 g of the language makes up for the body's daily requirement of this element. Pork tongue also contains these substances, in addition to zinc.

The difference between these two types of language and the amount included in the composition of cholesterol. Most of this substance contained in beef tongue – 150 mg, whereas in the pig is only 50 mg. But in the latter much more fat, and therefore calorie it a little higher. That is why those who comply with treatment or low-calorie diet, it is best to include in the diet that is beef tongue.

Taste is also more valued beef tongue, although there are those who prefer only pork product. The latter, incidentally, boil a much shorter time, which is very convenient. But for cutting it is better to use beef, as pork is too small. However, in this case it is possible to cheat a little by cutting the latter is not across, but along.

How to use beef and pork tongue

As pork and beef tongue is used for cooking, usually boiled. To do this it needs to be soaked in water for half an hour, then clean the surface of the tongue from the mud and slime under running water with a knife. After that, the product should be put into boiling water and cook for 2 to 4 hours. The tongue of the pig is usually cooked no more than 2 hours, and beef – about 3-4 hours. To test its readiness with a fork or knife – instruments should be easy to pierce product. If boiled tongue is served as a slice, it is necessary to add salt and season with spices to taste during cooking.

Boiled beef and pork can also be used to prepare various salads – it goes well with cucumbers, mushrooms, ham, cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, eggs, avocado, garlic and many other products. It can also be baked in the oven with meat, mushrooms or vegetables in a cheese crust. It is suitable for making jelly.