You will need
- balloons;
- - festive dinner;
- - champagne;
- - essential oils;
- - sexy lingerie.
Show the husband that his return – a real feast! Obviously, to start preparing is with cleaning: your better half is unlikely to be pleased, saw the mountain of dirty dishes, dirt in the hallway and one week the dust on the shelves.
Decorate the house with garlands and balloons. What is a holiday without proper decor? A garland of balloons, or bright hearts will decorate the house and create a sense of celebration. In addition, you can write on each ball for kind words: you've missed my husband, how you missed him and how much you love him.
Allow him to relax. Most likely, the first wish of her husband after a long move is a hot tub. Treat a loved one, prepare him a bath with essential oils that will help him relieve stress and relax after a busy work trip and a long move. Relaxation is best suited essential oils of lavender, frankincense, orange, geranium, bergamot, mint. A few drops of any of these oils – bath from a regular hygienic procedure turns into an aromatherapy session. If you know the exact time of arrival of her husband, unable to draw water into the tub just before his return.
Prepare a festive dinner. No matter what wonderful conditions did not live your spouse on a business trip, make no mistake – he missed the aroma and taste of homemade food. The secret is that food cooked at home, always contains the magic ingredient – your love. Treat the wife of his favorite treat, and don't forget: a good meal should not only taste great, but also a great view. Beautifully served table, decorating it with candles. A bottle of champagne on the table also will not be superfluous: some glasses will help you relax and will create a festive atmosphere.
Do not forget about yourself. A business trip your husband wasn't just homesick, first and foremost, he missed you the most close and native man. What is the point to decorate the house, but forget about yourself? Your husband will be upset to see you tired and exhausted. Relax, give yourself up so that you glow with beauty and happiness and its light you'll light up the whole house!
Prepare a sexy outfit. Let will be not only a memorable evening but also a night: relax in comfort and rest from the road, your spouse will probably be happy to find you a chic lingerie set. Just don't be surprised if he wants to immediately take it off with you: if the trip was long, it'll be on all night to show how much he missed you apart.
Perhaps your husband returns from a business trip so tired that his strength will be enough only to wash and eat. No offense to him and not force fit the mood: it will tell you everything the next day when the rest.
Useful advice
Ancient wisdom says: better wrinkle on the face than on the sheet. New set of bed linen smelling fresh and ironed to a crisp, would be a better surprise for tired of the way people.