You will need
  • - an xml editor or Notepad.
Download a special editor for xml documents. It will be helpful to you if you will often make changes to the files in the extension if you are going to do this once, use a plain text editor, it will fit the standard "Notepad" or "Word Pad". They differ from specialized programs is that they do not highlight the required to edit xml elements that do not give suggestions as you type tags, and so on. The advantage of specialized programs in the fact that they understand the structure and features of xml syntax, so work with documents of this type much easier with their use.
If you choose a program for editing the xml, refer to the, how often will you make changes to the file with the xml extension if you need additional formatting tools, advanced functions, and so on. Also pay attention to the usual xml editors. They practically do not ship the system and thus preserve the necessary to perform standard tasks functionality.
If you need to edit the xml document directly on the server, start the editor using the menu "File" open the document as desired. Make the necessary changes, save the work done. If necessary, make a backup of the original, this is recommended in cases when you don't fully have knowledge on the subject, or when to apply their knowledge in practice, only the first time.
To expand your knowledge in xml and edit them to read special literature on the subject. Also use content from the following sites: