Preparation for drying


To gather the dill for drying it is necessary in the morning when the dew came down. In any case it is impossible to collect it after rain. Dill absorbs all the excess moisture and drying blackens and spoils.


Place to dry you need to prepare in advance. It should be warm, dark room with good ventilation. Ideal loft or shed.


Drying will be the necessary racks or ropes for hanging.


Drying and storage


There are two ways of drying dill. You can collect it in bundles and hang them on the clothesline. And can be spread in a thin layer on any surface.


Dill should not be dried too long. In good clear weather it dried in 2-3 days. There is a simple test. Dried dill is easily crushed into a powder. If drying the plant too long, it will lose most of the vitamins and not be as flavorful.


To store dill better in the same form in which it was drying, and crush it. In the dried spices contain essential oils when grinding, they evaporate, causing the taste of dill is lost.


To store dill need in a tightly sealed glass or metal pot. If the Bank closed, a spice long retains its flavor.


When cooking, remember that dill must add is not in the process of cooking, and after turning off the fire. In this case, the dish will be filled with a pleasant aroma and the taste of your favorite spices.