All of these materials are high quality insulators, which are successfully used at construction sites. The structure of Isover, URSA and Rockwell are the same: fine fiber wool, between which is formed a cavity filled with air. It is the most effective insulator. This provides high thermal insulation properties of each of these materials.

What's the difference

Rockwell made on the basis of basalt fiber, URS and Isover – glass fibre. The differences between these materials in the following:

basalt have higher heat indexes
- hygroscopicity of materials based on basalt fiber less than 1%. (from Isover and URSA because their structure contains glass fibers, water absorption is 10-20% higher than in Rockwell)
- basalt fibers are more resistant to alkalis and vapor
- during the installation of the Isover and URSA observed, highlighting tiny particles of glass
- Rockwell prickliness is much lower than that of materials made with fibers of glass
- Isover and URSA in the event of a fire begin to burn at lower temperatures than Rockwell

What properties are similar

Each of these materials provides quality insulation that enhances the comfort of living in the house. They are durable and have high thermal insulation characteristics. Each of the permeable insulation. That is, in the cold season is able to remove excess steam to the outside, and in summer to prevent overheating of the internal space, dome

Isover, URSA and Rockwell simple to install, the available work provides latest. All heaters are able to maintain the stability of its size, that is, have a relatively high resistance coefficient to mechanical impact. For vertical insulation, it is recommended to use a plate, for horizontal – rolled materials.

If you want to protect the house from penetration of rodents, it is better to use glass wool, because for them it is more dangerous than the basalt fiber. There is a view that the advertised advantages of rock wool are just a great marketing ploy. By and large the differences are fiberglass and basalt is minimal.

Therefore, any of these heaters perfectly will last a long time. However, to ensure maximum insulating effect in the choice of materials need to pay attention to the degree of their density. For example, URSA, it can be the following: P-15 (13-16 kg/m3), P-30 (26-32 kg/m3), M-11 (1 kg/m3), etc.