Social network Vkontakte is today one of the most popular. It has a great number of different advantages, ranging from the convenient search friends online and ending because it is simply convenient to communicate (even with multiple people at a time). In this social network the user can find everything he needs: music, videos, games, photos, and more. Sometimes users Vkontakte there is a need to hide some of his contacts (friends) from the General list.

How to hide friends?

Hide friends from friends or relatives can be quite simple. Social network Vkontakte has a huge number of different services and functions, including the ability to hide friends from prying eyes. In order to carry out his plan, you need to login with your username and password to this social network. Then click the left mouse button on the "My settings" (this item is located in the left menu). Then, when you load a new page, choose the tab "Privacy". Here the user can change the visibility of not only their friends, but also much more. Basically, this tab is for confining certain groups of persons from your data. In order not to show one or more friends in your list, you need to find the string "Who is seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions" and then click on the labels "All friends". This will open a small menu where you will select the friends you want to hide from prying eyes. On the left side of this window are all of your friends and followers, and on the right hidden.

The last stage

To hide someone from your friends, you need to click on the Plus sign located to the right of the name of your friends. Then your friend automatically becomes hidden. Of course, you can easily remove people from this list by clicking the symbol "X". In the end, you will need to save all your changes. Once you refresh the page all changes will take effect. To view the result you can easily on the same tab "Privacy". At the bottom of this list there is a button "Look, as you can see your page other users. A new window will open where you can view the saved results. In that case, if they do not satisfy them can be easily changed.