The measurement of the respiratory rate

Respiratory rate is measured by the number of breaths that a person makes in one minute. As many factors can affect the result, it is important to measure all the rules. The human being must be alone at least 10 minutes. It is desirable that the patient did not know that someone counts the number of breaths, because human psychology is such that he is breathing in an unnatural manner, if he knows that he's being watched. Because of this, the measurement results may be inaccurate. In hospitals, quite often the nurses under view pulse count the number of breaths, watching the chest rise and fall.

Increased respiratory rate is a symptom of the following conditions: fever, dehydration, acidosis, lung disease, asthma, preinfarction angina, overdose of drugs (e.g., aspirin or amphetamine), a panic attack

Rules respiratory rate

Children make a greater number of breaths than adults, as do women breathe faster than men. However, there are averages of respiratory rate, characteristic of different age groups. Newborns from 1 to 12 months do 30-60 breaths per minute, children 1-2 years - 24-40 breaths, children of preschool age (3-5 years) 22-34 breaths, schoolchildren (6-12 years) 18-30 breaths. For Teens 13 to 17 years normal respiratory rate is considered to be 12-16 breaths per minute for adults is 12-18 breaths.

That shows respiratory rate

The number of breaths over a period of time equal to one minute, indicates how often the brain sends signals to the lungs to make a breath. If the level of oxygen in the blood decreases or increases the level of carbon dioxide, the brain reacts to this. For example, in cases of severe infection increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, while oxygen remains at a normal level. Brain triggered by the situation and sends a signal easy. That's why seriously ill people often breathe.

Slow breathing is a symptom of the following conditions: drug or alcohol intoxication, metabolic disorders, sleep apnea, stroke or brain trauma

There are situations when the system of communication works poorly. For example, when a person is drug or alcohol intoxication or if the head injury damaged the part of the brain responsible for respiratory function. And enlarged, and the slow rhythm of the breath suggests that with health something not so. If we are not talking about the violation of breath due to physical activity (bending, fast-walking, lifting weights), then these symptoms be sure to tell your doctor.