No, they're not from different planets. Then why very often men don't understand women, but women refuse to see the cause of this misunderstanding? You just have to pay attention to the fact that they have significant differences in the brain. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania proved that men and women have different brain structure.
Brain volume men 10% more than women. But women should not worry about this, because a smaller volume of the brain of the beautiful half of humanity kompensiruet its more complex structure. Quantitative assessment of the level of intelligence IQ has nothing to do with the volume and weight of the brain. So the question "Who is smarter" in any case would be inappropriate.
Alternate brain function in men contributes to the fact that he can only focus on one task. But to solve it it will fit fundamentally. A woman can solve several problems simultaneously. So they are more universal, flexible and balanced. Unlike men, women are two hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.
Coordination is better developed in men than in women.
In unusual situations, men are able to make more sound decisions. Women in such cases can't always choose the correct option.
Women tend to combine logic and intuition as one. Men: logic – separately, intuition.
At the same time a woman can think and feel. Men, again, there is the separation. He cannot think and feel at once.
Different behavior in stressful situations. Men need to be alone, to talk.
Exact Sciences easy men, women and Humanities.
Men are quick to react to information. Women long "catch up" but can easily accept multiple streams of information. Men like this "the session of simultaneous game" is very annoying.
Men of broad ideas, women need details. Here, speaking the language of science, men act on the principle of induction, i.e. from the General to the particular. Women are more suitable principle of deduction, i.e. from the particular to the General.
Men hear virtually and specifically what they say. Women often pursue the" hints. They are prone to speculation and manipulation of facts.
The communication skills of women from birth knows no bounds. But it's easier for men to compete. If they say, it is almost always strictly the case. Therefore, the communication skills women often bordered by empty chatter and talk about anything.
With age, the male brain decreases faster for women. Apparently, to a healthy way of life more women tend.
Women hear the subtle tone of voice, the men on these subtleties do not pay attention.
Male vision is an erotic vision. Women are more interested in the details of some picture or knick-knacks than men erotica.
Men think more with gray matter, women white. The conclusion that these are two different types of brain and two principles of action. Therefore the same task, men and women decide different ways. But it would be illogical to specify each individual, because quite often in nature there are mixed types of the brain.
The main differences
Brain volume men 10% more than women. But women should not worry about this, because a smaller volume of the brain of the beautiful half of humanity kompensiruet its more complex structure. Quantitative assessment of the level of intelligence IQ has nothing to do with the volume and weight of the brain. So the question "Who is smarter" in any case would be inappropriate.
Alternate brain function in men contributes to the fact that he can only focus on one task. But to solve it it will fit fundamentally. A woman can solve several problems simultaneously. So they are more universal, flexible and balanced. Unlike men, women are two hemispheres of the brain simultaneously.
Coordination is better developed in men than in women.
In unusual situations, men are able to make more sound decisions. Women in such cases can't always choose the correct option.
The resulting consequences
Women tend to combine logic and intuition as one. Men: logic – separately, intuition.
At the same time a woman can think and feel. Men, again, there is the separation. He cannot think and feel at once.
Different behavior in stressful situations. Men need to be alone, to talk.
Exact Sciences easy men, women and Humanities.
Men are quick to react to information. Women long "catch up" but can easily accept multiple streams of information. Men like this "the session of simultaneous game" is very annoying.
Men of broad ideas, women need details. Here, speaking the language of science, men act on the principle of induction, i.e. from the General to the particular. Women are more suitable principle of deduction, i.e. from the particular to the General.
Men hear virtually and specifically what they say. Women often pursue the" hints. They are prone to speculation and manipulation of facts.
The communication skills of women from birth knows no bounds. But it's easier for men to compete. If they say, it is almost always strictly the case. Therefore, the communication skills women often bordered by empty chatter and talk about anything.
With age, the male brain decreases faster for women. Apparently, to a healthy way of life more women tend.
Women hear the subtle tone of voice, the men on these subtleties do not pay attention.
Male vision is an erotic vision. Women are more interested in the details of some picture or knick-knacks than men erotica.
Men think more with gray matter, women white. The conclusion that these are two different types of brain and two principles of action. Therefore the same task, men and women decide different ways. But it would be illogical to specify each individual, because quite often in nature there are mixed types of the brain.