After lemon, orange, Mandarin or grapefruit is eaten, you can just plant their seeds in moist fertile soil and put in a warm place. When shoots appear, give them a little growing up to do, and then select the most vigorous and will transplant in a separate pot. If you want to wait for the fruiting of your trees, don't forget to inculcate in the age of 1.5 years. Then in 5-7 years you will be able to take his first fruits.
The fruit may slightly disappoint their taste and aroma will not be as rich as their counterparts growing in natural conditions.
Rinse the bone of ripe pomegranate and put in moist earth to a depth of 1-1,5 see the Grown plant presidnete at the height that you think is best for your future granatniy. Soon you will be able to form a nice Bush or multi-stemmed tree.
At the age of 3-4 years pomegranate is starting to bloom on the branches the flowers are of three types – female, male and bisexual. At room conditions the ripening of fruits takes a lot of time in the greenhouse – faster, but in both cases, the plant is amazingly attractive in appearance, thus enjoy its beauty for a very long time (private home instances live to be 30 years).
Date palm
Avid gardeners love to grow a date palm from seeds. To faster germination has occurred, the bone can be slightly nagpalit a jigsaw or a knife with small notches. It is important not to damage the seed inside. Bone put into the ground vertically, the top needs to cover the soil layer with a height of 1 cm. Water as the drying earthen coma with warm boiled water. Sprout will appear in about a month and a half.
You can further speed up germination, if planting in the ground soak the bone in hot water (38-40oC) for 2-3 days, changing constantly cold water on warm. Then soak in a water bath for half an hour and planted in warm moist soil. Cover the top with plastic wrap, remove it when the germ gets stronger. The growth of the trees re-pot it in larger pots.
The date palm grows quickly, turning into a pretty powerful tree, but the fruit under ambient conditions does not ever.
Carefully remove the pit from the fruit, remove the seed coat and insert the blunt end into the prepared, i.e. moist and warm, fertile soil. It is important that in the period of germination, emergence and initial development of the sprout ambient air temperature did not fall below -18 ºc. Older plant will be transplanted to a suitable pot and as it grows form a crown. In the indoor environment are taken to form the Bush, although under natural conditions the avocado is a tree.
The bone of ripe fruit wash, dry and put in moist earth to a depth of 1-2 cm, Cover with cellophane and put in a warm place. Sometimes the film shoot, let the soil "breathe". If necessary, pour warm water. 7-14 days will be a sprout, then the film can be removed completely, because persimmon is growing very quickly, and cellophane can prevent. Put the pot with the plant in a well-lit place, but not in the area of direct sunlight.
The main thing in the cultivation of young home tree (or shrub, depending on variety) – timely transplant in larger pot. If he is little space, it can die. In October or November, the plant should be moved to a place where the temperature does not exceed +5oC. It may be a cellar, a basement, cool closet. Backfill with soil, sawdust or dry grass. Sometimes spray with boiled water. In the spring remove the cover and increase watering.
When the height of the persimmon will get closer to 20 cm, get vaccinated. The Scion can purchase in a Botanical garden or to order in a specialty store. After 4-5 years after vaccination, can expect fruit.