Causes of blood from the anus of the cat

как лечить колени

Blood from the anus in animals, as humans, is an abnormal phenomenon, which indicates the presence of disease. A small amount of blood when severe constipation can be caused by mechanical damage, in this case, the cat must have remedy for constipation – mineral oil or duphalac – and watch. If the next time it won't happen again, to go for a visit to the doctor is optional.

Another thing – if the blood appears regularly and in fairly large quantities. The reasons for this phenomenon may be several. First, often the blood in the anus tells about the damage of the gastrointestinal tract, the indigestion, but the owner of the pet without veterinary education will not be able to identify the lesion. Although some assumptions can be done by the color of blood: bright red blood indicates that the problem is localized in the rectum or in the anus, and a darker, brownish tint – a symptom of the disease of the upper intestine. In any case, you should contact your veterinarian.

Second, it could be colitis – inflammation in the colon, a very unpleasant disease which when not treated may lead to complications. As a rule, in colitis the bleeding is abundant, with admixtures of mucus.

Thirdly, the cause of the blood can be helminths or parasitic worms that damage the intestinal wall and multiply, upsetting the digestion.
Often in this situation, the cats feel tired and depressed, not eating enough.

Treatment bleeding from the anus of the cat

Treatment is selected depending on the reasons that must be installed by a veterinarian. If it worms, it is necessary to give the animal an anthelmintic medicines according to a specific pattern prescribed by a doctor. You also need to reconsider the diet of cats, don't give her raw fish and meat.
Meat should either be cooked or frozen, and the fish is better excluded from the diet or give a little bit of the sea.

Inflammation of the rectum treated with a solution of tannin, solution of sulphate of copper, the introduction of tampons with ointment in the anus. Strong infection should be treated with antibiotics. Treatment of colitis depends on its type: there is an acute, bacterial, eosinophilia, chronic and other types. First and foremost, you need to adhere to a certain diet, you also need to do shots and give pills antimicrobial, immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drugs.
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