Retail: what is it, and "went from there"

The word "retail" is derived, i.e., comes to us from abroad. This is the Russified version of the English retail, which means "retail trade, sale of goods or services to the final consumer". By the way, the spelling of "retail" is wrong, it is more correct to write this word using the letter "I" - as heard in the English transcription.
The forerunners of the modern retail sector can be considered to be traditional for all world markets, street bazaars, etc. it is the prototype of the so-called retail centers nowadays.

Thus, retail is the combination of all the methods, techniques and tools to bring goods and services to final retail consumers. Accordingly, the retailer is the company, firm, legal entity or individual entrepreneur engaged in the retail sale of goods and services. Of the most obvious and clear to most inhabitants of the examples of the retailers organizations can result in such trade brands as X5 Retail Group, Auchan, Metro, etc.

Retail as a sector of modern economies

Despite the fact that retailers engaged in the sale of goods to the final consumers, individuals, today, the scale of retail trade in Russia and worldwide comparable turnover with wholesale trade sector.

Modern retail is committed to ensuring that by the lowest possible labor and time costs to serve a greater number of retail consumers of goods. This is possible thanks to the special retail technologies, to track the implementation of which is possible, for example, supermarkets, self-service and payment terminals and ATMs.
Huge shopping centres, or malls as they are called today, is the modern retail centers. Their examples – complexes "Mega" in different cities of Russia, "Greenwich" Yekaterinburg, "TSUM" in Moscow, etc.

A striking feature of retail – a wide variety of goods and services accumulated in one place. Thus in any direction in the retailers, whether selling food, clothes, banking etc consumerization economy class, medium, luxury, Deluxe and premium classes. According to this gradation, and share all available goods and services.

The scale of modern retailers companies can achieve giant sizes. So, the turnover of the us retail chains Wal-Mart is 2.5 times higher than the turnover of the diversified Corporation General Electric.