Sauna strengthens the body

Some experts believe that the frequenters of the baths and saunas get sick much less often than those who are in a sauna does not drag on. The positive properties of the baths to harden the body and strengthen the immune system is priceless. It should be noted that the sauna helps with colds, if you have time to catch the moment when it is just beginning. A little cold, weakness or discomfort in the throat – alarm bells that say that need to go to the sauna.
If you have a fever, stay in the sauna or bath can seriously harm the body, in this case it is better to consult a doctor, to drink a course of prescription medication.

It is important to properly prepare the body for exposure to high temperature, so the effect was maximum. Take a warm shower without using soap or gel, head watering is not necessary. Before going to the bath, make a hot bath for the feet. It would be good to add water to chamomile and other herbs.

In the sauna or bath if possible, sit awhile by the fire, warming his nose and face. Breathe deeply and steadily.

The fight against colds

High temperature kills a significant portion of pathogenic microbes. To enhance the effect, you need to use a special solution of essential oils or decoctions of juniper, peppermint, calendula and eucalyptus. These herbs cleanse the upper respiratory tract, relieving you from cough and cold. Such a solution should in a small amount to splash onto the stove. In good saunas and baths, there are ready mix just for this occasion.

To cope with incipient cold, it is important to achieve a strong perspiration. To do this, warm up and steam my body. In the bath the process is aided by the broom, which makes the steaming more effective. Besides, bath brooms help massage vital organs. If the cold is just starting, it is very important to exude the chest and feet.
Periodic get-togethers in the saunas or baths to improve the condition of the body.

Steaming stimulates blood circulation, it allows to oxygenate the vital organs with oxygen, improves metabolic process. During the steaming the body produces twenty percent more white blood cells than normal which fight germs. Improved blood circulation will involve a large part of capillaries, removes lactic acid from the muscles, nourishes the joints, removing the painful weakness.