When to cut cuttings?

Rooting currants in water is usually carried out in the spring. For planting in the winter, the other way is rooting in the garden. Very close to attention to the selection of the mother plant. It should be a Bush which has got good food, but without the excess of nitrogen fertilizers. Plants receiving too much nitrogen, root harder. To choose the best annual shoots, not too zaberemenila, from young plants. Cut the cuttings of currants usually in late March or early April, when they begin to swell buds.
Cuttings from a plant that was starving, root hard, and often die after planting in the ground.

How to cut?

The length of the cutting currant – from 11 to 14 cm, of Course, need to make two slices. Top – straight, about an inch above the Bud. The lower section is at an obtuse angle to the branch. It should be located just below the kidneys. You need to remove all the buds except the top two. Incision or to remove the bark in the lower part is not necessary.
If you leave extra buds, the plant will spend too much effort on their development, which prevents the formation of strong roots.

The place and utensils

Basically put the cuttings in any of the dishes. Root and currants in glass jars and enameled saucepans. The most convenient option – mayonnaise plastic jar. The buds should remain above the water surface. Banks with cuttings put on a window facing North or North-West. Water change is not necessary. It is enough just to gradually add. As a rule, the cuttings, which change the water the roots slowly. This applies not only to currant.

To feed or not?

Leave the jar on the window for ten days. As soon as the roots begin to appear, the cuttings need to be fed, adding nitroammophoska. One of the pellets on the jar will be enough. To overfeed the plants also should not be.

Paper cups and the earth

Until the roots grow, prepare paper cups. They are on sale in shops for gardeners, or grocery that sells disposable dishes. But the need is paper cups, since plastic roots can rot. When the length of the roots reaches about 10 cm, the cuttings can be transplanted. Make a mixture consisting of 3 parts peat, 1 part sand and 1 part humus. Into each Cup place one stalk. The plants again need to feed, adding 5 granules of nitroammophoska capacity each. The first three days the plants need high humidity, so they need to be well watered. After three days go to the normal regime of watering – the soil should always be slightly moist.


After your seedlings stand up on the window about a month, they should start to temper. Do it gradually. First day open the window, then, if no cold weather, leave the window open all day and night. At this time, the cups can be put on the balcony. Hardened to approximately a week, and then can be transplanted outdoors to a permanent location.