Jam from blueberries – the perfect sweetness. Berries can self-assemble in the forest and harvest in August-September, and then enjoy them in cold winter. Jam added to the tea, prepared from it cakes or use as a filling for pancakes. Of course, these blanks you can buy in the store, but your homemade jam is much more useful, as it contains no artificial additives.

Jam five-minute blueberry with honey

For tasty, healthy and quick jam you will need:

- blueberries, 1 kg;
- honey, 1 Cup;
- rum, 2 tbsp.

Berries rinse thoroughly and let them dry for a few minutes. Put the blueberries in a saucepan, lightly remember to juice and heat capacity on the fire. After the juice starts to boil, turn heat down.

In a saucepan with the berries start small portions, just 1 teaspoon, add honey and mix thoroughly, without removing the capacity plate. After the honey enters completely, allow the mixture to simmer for 15 minutes.

At this time, sterilize glass jars.
Sterilize jars in several ways: in the sterilizer, microwave or oven, adding water about 1 cm Metal lid boil in a saucepan.

Then remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the rum, stir and pour into prepared hot banks. Roll up and flip up glass container with a lid, wrapped in a warm appliance, for example an old coat or blanket. Wait until the banks completely cool.
Store jam in a cool and dark place – cellar, the refrigerator, the Cabinet, the glazed balcony.

Classic jam from blueberries

This blueberry jam is cooked a little longer. It turns out thick, rich, sweet, but at the same time and more calories used as sugar.

Necessary ingredients:

- blueberries, 1 kg;
- sugar, 1.5 kg;
- citric acid, ½ tsp;
- the water is clean filtered 300 ml.

Rinse the berries and cook them about 5 minutes in boiling water. Cook the syrup of water with sugar, strain it through a gauze cloth.

Hot syrup pour the blueberries and cook the jam at a constant boil for 30 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam is just starting to form. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pour jam in sterilized banks and preserve. Flip and wrap them with warm things to cool.