Watermelons are valued not only because of the amazing taste. Benefit to human health this bocheva culture maybe because of the high content of vitamins of group b, C, PP, folic acid, fiber, pectin, potassium, iron and magnesium. To eat is watermelon and sunflower seeds valuable oil, which is composed of vitamin D.

Who can eat watermelon?

Bright red flesh. large berries can be eaten almost without exception. Contraindication is only the presence of large kidney stones, moderate eating watermelon when you have colitis, problems with urination. It is recommended to eat watermelon after surgery and during the recovery period, during pregnancy and for weight loss. Due to the iron content of sweet watermelon helps with anemia. A well-known fact that the use of red pulp has a positive effect on potency. While the negative impact on the body ripe berry has.
When choosing watermelon, inspect the skin of the fruit, there should not be scratches and cracks through which the pulp can get contaminated with bacteria.

Watermelon has a positive impact on the digestive, cardiovascular system, blood production process. Pulp and juice delicious of the berry helps to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. Doctors suggest there is content striped "balls" to remove the sand from the kidney, cystitis, edema. All because watermelon is a good diuretic effect. Peel of fruit is used to treat headache, applying them to the temples and forehead. On eating watermelon is based popular diet, but to sit on it for up to five days. 100 gr. the pulp contains only 25 kcal., watermelon helps a long time not to feel hunger.

How many can you eat watermelon in a day?

To limit the use of juicy watermelon is necessary when kidney stones, because the pulp stimulates the movement of formations. You can have a treat and diabetics, due to the small content of carbohydrates in the patients allowed to eat up to 300 grams. of watermelon per day. To offer children the "whales" is two years. In other cases, the watermelon you can eat all you want, it is important to choose containing nitrates berry.
To check a watermelon for security, putting down the slice of flesh in pure water. If the berries were grown with nitrate, the liquid will turn a pinkish hue.

To determine the safety watermelon time of its maturation. The least probability that when growing huge berries was used harmful to human health fertilizer if you bought the melon culture during the late summer or early fall. In late spring and early summer to find the watermelons that grew and ripened in a natural way, is almost impossible. These plants do not exist in the early grades.