
Most popular social network in Russia is Vkontakte, the audience of more than 50 million people, which is even comparable to the most popular search engine in Russia is Yandex.
For the indicator "Vkontakte" significantly ahead of other social networks.

The main audience of the resource is the youth that uses the possibilities of downloading, watching and listening to video and audio from almost any user. The service is characterized by a large number of various communities and celebrity pages that host the latest news and publications.

Through the community users can create all kinds of interest groups, to read about the latest events, share photos and invite each other to events.


"Classmates" today in second place in the Russian Internet. This social network has become one of the first in Russia and continues to enjoy great popularity.
The resource is popular among people of middle age.

A feature of the class is its own currency with which to buy gifts, to change elements of the interface and to activate a new function of account management. A fall attendance of the class was caused by the growing popularity of "Vkontakte". However, the social network has managed to recover part of the audience thanks to the transfer of the service into the possession of Mail.ru – large company that provides many services for Internet users.

Other social networks

Facebook – a social network that became the world's first and is the most popular among users worldwide. However, it has not received such distribution in Russia due to restrictions on uploading and sharing videos that imposes a resource. Also some users say that Facebook has several overloaded interface, which makes it difficult addictive and the use of network functions.

Other popular social networks are such world famous sites like Twitter, which allows users to share short posts and incidents in life with other users, Livejournal, allow for a fully functional blog, and Google+, which at the moment has not yet received wide popularity among users in Russia.