Selection and preparation of strawberry seeds for planting
On the shelves of the stores sold a large variety of strawberry seeds (the people it is often referred to as strawberries) different varieties, including white and yellow. The cost of the bag is inexpensive, so it is possible to plant several varieties and choose the best for you.
To collect the seeds of the strawberries with your hands, you need to work hard. Select the most suitable Mature berry of suitable varieties, but it is better not to collect seeds from the berries of F1 hybrids, since they are unlikely to obtain offspring with similar characteristics.
With ripe berries bravofly carefully cut off the top layer with the seed and dry it in the shade. After it dries, select the seeds. They are ready for planting immediately, store put them in a paper bag.
Planting strawberry seeds
Take the container for growing seedlings with low bumpers. Pour into a universal soil for seedlings. Seal it, and moisten. Make a small notch.
Strawberries can be planted 2 times per year: winter and summer. The planting dates in the winter period from February to March. In the summer, in June.
Plant the seeds 1 in every 2 see Because they are very small, do it by using tweezers or a wooden toothpick soaked in water. The grooves lightly sprinkle with soil. Box cover with plastic wrap.
For best germination of strawberry seeds need stratifying, that is, to create conditions for them as if they were in the winter under the snow. Put the container with planting in the fridge on the bottom shelf for about 5 days. Film daily, remove and wash with its reverse surface formed condensate. Then move the boxes in a warm Sunny place and the seeds will soon germinate.
In the summer, plant seeds in boxes and pricopie in the garden. By August, the seedlings will grow and can be planted in a permanent place.
First harvest you will receive only next year.
Care of seedlings
Water the strawberries as it dries the top layer of soil very carefully. While the seedlings are very small and immature, do it with spray.
After 2-3 true leaves, raspakirati them in separate cups, one plant in each or in a box at a distance of 6-8 cm from each other. When transplanting presidnete roots. Water them very carefully.
2 months after planting you can begin to hardened seedlings. Take it in the daytime in the garden or to the balcony. In late may, the strawberry seedlings can already be planted and grow on a constant place. Strawberries, planted seeds, grows strong, it is less prone to diseases.