To replace the passport, you need to contact the Federal migration service of Russia at the place of residence. The old fashioned way this service called visa and passport service or passport office. Also on the issue of the replacement passport you can contact officials of the multipurpose centers of providing the state and municipal services.
If you for health reasons are unable to come personally to the Russian Federal migration service subdivision to submit the application to replace your passport, you have the right to demand the departure of the official concerned to your home. In this case your request as the applicant or the request of a relative, you must provide a written, free-form, and then give to the division of the FMS of Russia directly or send by mail. To bring the application to the FMS can and your relatives.
If you are unable to pick up the ready passport for a valid reason, the employee of this service will make a check out to your home to hand in the document.
Unfortunately, the above provision of the rules of the passport of the Russian Federation very often violated by employees of the Federal migration service of Russia, despite the fact that this legal act is Federal, and therefore obligatory for execution by officials of the Federal migration service on the territory of Russia.
Currently you have the option of applying for the replacement passport via the Internet. In this case, the officials of the FMS of Russia will provide you the most comfortable order of personal reception. After receiving the documents will tell you on what day and what time you will be able to get your passport.