You will need
  • tablet on the Android platform;
  • - USB adapter for the physical connection of the keyboard.
The connection method depends on the type of device you are connecting. In that case, if you are using a wireless keyboard, enable the print function will be performed using Bluetooth. To connect a conventional keyboard, you will need an adapter from USB to mini or micro-USB connector.
If you connect a wireless device, first activate the Bluetooth. To do this, access the settings menu and use the appropriate parameter. Then turn on your keyboard by pressing the button turning it off.
In the search window of the Bluetooth devices you will see the name of your keyboard. Click on the tablet screen, you will then be prompted for a password for access. Enter any password on the keyboard, then press Enter. Then retype in the window of your tablet. If the password was entered correctly, the device will be paired and you can start to use the capabilities of text input from the connected device. To configure the location of symbols, use the menu "Language and input" system of the tablet.
To connect a physical keyboard to the device, use ruKeyboard. To do this, install it on the tablet through the Play store system. After the installation is complete, run it through the appeared shortcut on the home screen of the tablet.
Go to "Settings" - "Language and input". In the "input Method" specify ruKeyboard. In the window of the program select "Hardware keyboard". Then connect your keyboard to the device and test its performance in any program window that require text input. The installation of the keyboard on the tablet is complete.
If there are problems with a set of some symbols, try to go to the settings enter the system and choose a different layout. For a more precise setting of input you can also use the menu ruKeyboard selecting a list of manufacturers of connected devices your.